
Minggu, 15 November 2009


In general, people who studying hard science like mathematics, technique, physics, and chemical easily experience psychical symptom in the form of trauma. many thingses available for becoming the cause of traumas, among others is as follows.

1. readiness, what is in education term called as apersepsi. in process of study, readiness of is things which of vital importance as anticipation for lessening failure risk in study.

2. awareness, which is better condition of in the early of study as effort anticipate situation.

Readiness and important awareness to be owned each and everyone in order not to invite miss concept, miss leading, miss understanding, and or miss interpret.

3. motif and motivated, both is things taken as base or basis by someone when will do something or do not something.

4. implementation, that is how one can apply experience or science which she get into everyday life.

5. predicted, is ability of someone for anticipating an occurence or things which there will be. Someone having ability of predicting well and logical usually rarer experience traumatic effect because have prepared x'self before all.

6. feeling, is factor which very possibly becoming cause of trauma because man always covered by assorted condition and situation so that unavoidably have to entangle the feeling. One with easier height feeling sensitivity experience trauma.

7. attitude, this is the cause of trauma related to something things that seem. someone having attitude doing well by the environment is usually has smaller risk experience trauma than people acting on the contrary. Nevertheless, that thing is not something absolute because we is not only knowing something from outside through attitude that seem.

8. spirit, something things making someone is more enthusiastically in experiencing life and life. Spirit of owned high by someone with high motivation also. With high spirit, we will protected from trauma.

9. knowledge, excelsior of knowledge of someone concerning something things hence progressively easy he face trauma because the idea more logically than one with knowledge under hers.

10. skill, someone the always developing the skill to more can adapt to condition of in vinicity so that more readily face traumatic effect. This skill is obtainable from experiences during her living.

11. challenging, this thing can cause trauma if people which get the challenge cannot conquer the given challenge.

12. high expectation, this thing also can become the cause of trauma because someone having height hope will tend to less realistically so that if the hope was not fufilled hence disappointment which he(she get.

Besides factors above, of course still many other factorses available to causing trauma, good of factor from within factor and also ownself from outside x'self. Things needing comprehended here is that each and everyone with condition of any can experience trauma to an occurence. Only the people how to face it.

After reading this article, hopefully our more wisely again in experience life with all everything.

Chayooo ....!!!